Meeting with Tianjin Business Environment Office on EHS Challenges in the Manufacturing Industry

2023-08-23 | Tianjin

The European Chamber Tianjin Chapter sent a lobby letter to Tianjin Commerce Bureau on 21 August 2023 to raise the EHS challenges facing by manufacturing industry members. On 24 August, Tianjin Business Environment Office, together with Foreign Investment Management Dept. of Tianjin Commerce Bureau, paid a visit to the Tianjin Chapter with the lead of Zhang Jun, Deputy Director General of Tianjin Business Environment Office. Catherine Guo, General Manager of Tianjin Chapter, along with EHS managers of Schlote and Weilburger, talked about the recent intense environment inspections challenges and asked for more guidance on Tianjin new chemical regulation updates. 

Member companies expressed the challenges due to recent frequent and intense inspections from local authorities, which put negative impact on daily operations. Catherine Guo, the General Manager suggested regular exchanges to improve the communication between sectors and authorities. Catherine handed over Tianjin LPP 2023, BCS 2022 and 2023. Zhang Jun responded positively to the chamber papers, in addition, he showed the willingness to support collaborating Emergency Bureau and Environmental Bureau for policy interpretations.