Meeting with Business Finland on Europe-China Research and Development Cooperation

2019-03-15 | Shanghai

Meeting with Business Finland on Europe-China Research and Development Cooperation

The Research and Development Working Group held a Position Paper Discussion and Chair Election Working Group Meeting on Friday, 15th March 2019, 9:30-12:00 at the European Chamber Shanghai Office. Ms Elisa Yu, Senior Advisor of Innovation of Business Finland attended this meeting’s panel discussion on Europe-China R&D cooperation from the view of Finland.

Europe-China R&D Cooperation has entered a new stage since the 14th meeting of the Joint Steering Committee of the EU-China Agreement for Scientific and Technological Cooperation having taken place in Beijing on 13 December 2018. The meeting discussed potential Europe-China R&D cooperation in many thematic areas as well as the implementation of Co-Funding Mechanism (CFM).

Despite the existing financial supports at the local level, compared with Chinese domestic companies, foreign companies that operate R&D in China face difficulties when applying for public funding and R&D grants at the national level. To promote the innovation of both China and Europe, this working group meeting discussed challenges and opportunities of Europe-China R&D Cooperation, especially from the angle of the Europe-China incentives program.

Mr Zhonghua Xu, Chair of Research and Development Working Group presented the European Chamber’s Position Paper to Ms Elisa Yu during the Position Paper Discussion.