EU Tour – SME Working Level Meeting with DG GROWTH and DG TRADE

2016-01-27 | Beijing

EU Tour – SME Working Level Meeting with DG GROWTH and DG TRADE

Ÿ   Discussion on economic situation in European in China and how the challenges for EU SMEs in China.

Ÿ   Discussion on economic diplomacy

Ÿ   Mr.Mattino stated that SMEs is a very important subject for the European Commission which touches horizontal and cross-cutting issues. However, the European Commission needs to graps the specificity of certain sectors.

Ÿ   The last EU-China SME Policy Dialogue took place in March 2015 and now Chinese has shown renewed interest in SME support and cooperation on SMEs.

Ÿ   Mr.Mattino mentioned that the following are areas for concrete action:

Ÿ   Access to finance

Ÿ   Contune to discuss the befneits for foreign SMEs in the Shanghai FTZ and development of other FTZand promotion of the development of SMES in the FTZs.

Ÿ   Access of EU SMEs to Chinese finance programes and advisory services

Ÿ   Administrative measures to facilitate registration of companies in China

Ÿ   EEN and BCC – participation in fairs

Ÿ   Next dialogue meeting should take place before summer, but DG GROW still has not heard back from MIIT on potential dates. DG GROW is prepared to take concrete results that could be taken easily.

Ÿ   MB mentioned the difference between central and local authorities. These local government view foreign investment as a simple investment. The do not understand that investment should also add value. EU SMEs can create value. It’s very important to generate awareness about this among Chinese authorities.

Ÿ   Discussion whether the Shanghai FTZ is more oriented for Chinese companies that foreign companies.

Ÿ   JMA was interested in learning more about the developments regarding the SOE reform; however the delegates informed him that almost nothing has happened in practice. This lead to the discussion on the difficulties to accessing finance from SMEs. Big SOEs have already applied for the loans for the year and the banks have allocated them.

Ÿ   JMA was interested in learning whether the delegates can see any positive impact for SMEs deriving from the China 2025. MB made reference to the local content requirements and need to localisation in certain projects and the fact that the participation of foreign players in very minimal. SMEs, and EU companies in general should not see their role to just give solution; but they also should be allowed to grow,

Ÿ   RDM made reference to the market access problems face by SMEs through standards.

Ÿ   Delegates also referred to the challenges derived from visas, social insurance/

Ÿ   Discussion on access to finance and late payments.

Ÿ   Massimo asked to intensify contact for the dialogue and identify concrete and limited hanging fruits where some results could be seen.