Upcoming Events

In today's international environment, a large number of foreign-funded enterprises are concerned about economic shocks and pursue flexible cash liquidity to ensure that overseas subsidiaries in need have enough cash. Our event will discuss the compliance requirements and tax considerations when companies based in China need to repatriate cash offshore.现今的国际环境下,大量外资企业出于对经济震荡的顾虑,追求灵活的现金流动性,以保障有需求的境外分公司拥有足够现金。我们的活动将讨论当位于中国的企业需要调拨现金至境外时有哪些税务合规要求及税务考量点。

  • 2024-05-15 | 14:30 - 16:15
  • TC Group Nanjing office 道普瑞绅管理咨询南京办公室

In recent years, China's data security regulations, particularly under the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL), have undergone significant evolution, posing challenges for SME manufacturing companies operating within the country. The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) has issued new rules aimed at clarifying the assessment and handling of cross-border data transfers, yet complexities remain in defining and categorizing sensitive data.

  • 2024-05-22 | 08:30 - 09:30
  • 7F, VIP room, Sofitel Nanjing Galaxy Suning 索菲特苏宁银河大酒店7层自助餐厅VIP Room