Upcoming Events

This course is suitable for working professionals who want to improve their data analysis skills, including data analysts, business analysts, project managers, and professionals interested in AI and data analytics.

【Course Benefits】
- Master the art of intelligent questioning: understand how to ask effective questions and guide AI to give valuable answers through the 631 model.
- Familiarize yourself with AI in-depth dialogue: build a chain of thought with AI to realize an efficient communication process from 0 to 1.
- Apply AI to data specification, organization and analysis: quickly achieve data cleaning and automation through AI.

  • 2025-02-18 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • MS Teams

【Course Introduction】
This course is designed to upgrade Excel data analysis with AI technology, enabling participants to acquire knowledge and skills in data preprocessing, cleaning, modeling, analysis, and visualization.
The course offers comprehensive content, covering various aspects of data analysis to help participants enhance their analytical capabilities holistically.

  • 2025-02-18 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online Training
Shanghai > Working Group Meeting

Powering the Future: Low-Carbon Hydrogen Trends and Opportunities

Low-carbon hydrogen stands at the forefront of global efforts to transition toward cleaner energy systems, providing a versatile and scalable solution to decarbonize key sectors such as transportation, industry, and power generation. In China, hydrogen energy development is accelerating, supported by progressive policy frameworks, technological advancements, and regional collaboration.
On 18th February, the Energy Working Group is glad to invite you to our next working group meeting on Low-Carbon Hydrogen Trends and Opportunities, where we are honoured to invite Ms Li Qinling, Senior Production and Research Manager of the Yangtze River Delta Hydrogen Energy Technology Research Institute to debrief us on the policy landscape and market potential in low-carbon hydrogen and bring together three insightful industry leaders from Air Liquide, Maersk and Envision Energy to share and discuss business practices and technological applications of the three forms of low-carbon hydrogen—hydrogen (H2), green methanol, and ammonia. With this meeting, we hope to provide a comprehensive perspective for building a sustainable low-carbon hydrogen ecosystem.

  • 2025-02-18 | 10:00 - 12:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office + Teams
Members only

How to take advantage and have a smart collaboration and interaction with team members on Microsoft Teams.
Teams, SharePoint, and OneDrive— are designed to be a universal toolkit to give your team members integrated and flexible ways to work for their projects and tasks. This training focuses on the powerful capabilities of Teams, SharePoint, and OneDrive, including document storage, collaboration, sharing, and conversations. You don't have to use just one tool to get your work done — all tools work together to provide optimal productivity.
如何利用 Microsoft Teams 并与团队成员进行智能协作和互动。
Teams、SharePoint 和 OneDrive 旨在成为一个通用工具包,为您的团队成员提供集成且灵活的工作方式来处理他们的项目和任务。本培训侧重于 Teams、SharePoint 和 OneDrive 的强大功能,包括文档存储、协作、共享和对话。您不必只使用一种工具来完成工作,所有工具都可以协同工作,以提供最佳生产力。

  • 2025-02-18 | 14:00 - 16:30
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office/Teams

Observation and feedback on each student using reflection, practice, improvisation, and personal "play" situational analysis. Create a highly personalized learning environment for trainees and a training classroom close to the coaching method.

It is suitable for team members, project members, team managers, department managers, project managers and cross-departmental staff with different experience backgrounds, who need to effectively improve the working relationship with colleagues and superiors, work better with others, and hope to change their style and Individual contributors and team leads for working methods.

  • 2025-02-20 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office

This online training camp will help you solve the following problems

1. Repetitive work takes up most of the time

Python can help you if a lot of repetitive basic work is carried out every day. The large number of work can be done in a few minutes using python.

2.Python is needed to improve work efficiency

Python can help you quickly create, search and query files, process the relevant modules of Excel files, introduce the installation, program to generate excel charts and reports, read and automatically send e-mails and conduct text analysis.

3. Need to improve their core competitiveness

Python can improve your work efficiency and get the core competitiveness of the workplace.

  • 2025-02-20 - 2025-04-21 | 20:00 - 21:00
  • Teams

This online training camp will help you solve the following problems

1. Repetitive work takes up most of the time

Python can help you if a lot of repetitive basic work is carried out every day. The large number of work can be done in a few minutes using python.

2.Python is needed to improve work efficiency

Python can help you quickly create, search and query files, process the relevant modules of Excel files, introduce the installation, program to generate excel charts and reports, read and automatically send e-mails and conduct text analysis.

3. Need to improve their core competitiveness

Python can improve your work efficiency and get the core competitiveness of the workplace.

  • 2025-02-20 - 2025-04-21 | 20:00 - 21:00
  • Teams

Join us for an insightful fireside chat with H.E. Jorge Toledo Albiñana, the EU Ambassador to China, and Mr Carlo D'Andrea, Vice President of the European Chamber and Chair of the Shanghai Chapter.

With the new European Commission in office, the 2024-2029 work programme has been outlined to work on seven ambitious political priorities including competitiveness, security and defence and a global Europe. Ambassador Toledo will exchange perspectives on the current EU-China relations in the context of the new commission leadership and highlight key plans for the coming five years, 2024-2029. It will also be an opportunity to further exchange view on the concerns of European companies doing business in China.

  • 2025-02-21 | 13:45 - 14:45
  • 3F, The House of Roosevelt 罗斯福公馆三楼
Members only

In recent years, China has made significant progress in strengthening intellectual property (IP) protection, with trade secret enforcement emerging as a key priority, and we observe many advancements at the legislative level and in judicial practice. Meanwhile, businesses continue to face challenges such as stringent evidence requirements, unclear enforcement standards, and the high burden of proving that trade secrets are both proprietary and non-public. Such hurdles are particularly pronounced for foreign-invested enterprises seeking fair and consistent protection under China’s legal framework.

On 25th February, the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Working Group is pleased to invite Ms Weiping Gao, Chief Judge of the Criminal Tribunal of the Shanghai No. 3 Intermediate People’s Court and a Third-level Senior Judge, to our next working group meeting, themed on the criminal trade secret cases to provide an in-depth analysis of the challenges and critical considerations in criminal trade secret cases, drawing from her extensive judicial practice.

With this meeting, we hope to offer some practical guidance for our members who wish to pursue effective criminal remedies for trade secret violations to safeguard their most valuable assets.

  • 2025-02-25 | 10:00 - 12:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office
Members only

Athleisure and Sports Trends in 2024 & Outlook of the Sports Market 2025

  • 2025-02-26 | 09:00 - 12:00
  • European Chamber Office Shanghai, 22nd Floor, Room 2204
Members only