In recent years, China has made significant progress in strengthening intellectual property (IP) protection, with trade secret enforcement emerging as a key priority, and we observe many advancements at the legislative level and in judicial practice. Meanwhile, businesses continue to face challenges such as stringent evidence requirements, unclear enforcement standards, and the high burden of proving that trade secrets are both proprietary and non-public. Such hurdles are particularly pronounced for foreign-invested enterprises seeking fair and consistent protection under China’s legal framework.
On 25th February, the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Working Group is pleased to invite Ms Weiping Gao, Chief Judge of the Criminal Tribunal of the Shanghai No. 3 Intermediate People’s Court and a Third-level Senior Judge, to our next working group meeting, themed on the criminal trade secret cases to provide an in-depth analysis of the challenges and critical considerations in criminal trade secret cases, drawing from her extensive judicial practice.
With this meeting, we hope to offer some practical guidance for our members who wish to pursue effective criminal remedies for trade secret violations to safeguard their most valuable assets.
Tentative Agenda:
9:30-10:00 Registration and Networking
10:00-10:10 Opening Remarks
- Ms Min GAO, National Vice Chair of IPR Working Group, European Chamber
10:10-11:00 Keynote Speech: Challenges and Key Insights in Criminal Trade Secret Cases商业秘密刑事案件的难点和痛点
- Ms Weiping GAO, Chief Judge of the Criminal Tribunal of the Shanghai No. 3 Intermediate People’s Court, Third-level Senior Judge 上海市第三中级人民法院刑事审判庭审判长,三级高级法官高卫萍
11:00-11:50 Discussion and Q&A (Questions will be collected beforehand)
11:50-12:00 Closing Remarks
- Ms Min GAO, National Vice Chair of IPR Working Group, European Chamber
*Please note that this meeting will be held offline and in Chinese only. If you do not speak Chinese, wish to join the meeting, and are unable to get support from your organisation for whisper translation, please reach out to Caroline WANG at before 21st February. The European Chamber will look into options to provide language support.
*Please note that the meeting is open to industry stakeholders only.
If you are interested in joining this meeting, please email Ms Caroline WANG at with your name, company and questions to be raised by COB 24th February.
We are looking forward to your participation!