Course Background课程背景
This course aims to help participants gain a deeper understanding and master the application of AI in data analysis, and improve their data processing and decision-making skills. The course covers several key modules, including the Art of Intelligent Questioning, the CO-STAR model from the leadership perspective, the HOW escalation law from the boss perspective, and the data feeding method (PDCA) from the God's perspective.
Course Benefits课程收益
- Master the art of intelligent questioning: understand how to ask effective questions and guide AI to give valuable answers through the 631 model.
- Familiarize yourself with AI in-depth dialogue: build a chain of thought with AI to realize an efficient communication process from 0 to 1.
- Apply AI to data specification, organization and analysis: quickly achieve data cleaning and automation through AI
- 掌握智能提问的艺术:通过631模型深入理解如何提出有效的问题,引导AI给出有价值的答案。
- 熟悉AI深度对话:共建与AI的思维链条,实现从0到1的高效沟通流程。
- 将AI应用在数据规范、整理和分析:通过AI快速实现数据清洗,实现自动化。
Course Outline课程内容
一. AIGC快速入门:数智时代下的AI办公全貌
二. 智能提问的艺术:631模型模型精讲
- 领导视角:CO-STAR
- 老板视角:HOW升级法则
- 上帝视角:数据投喂(PDCA方法)
- 案例:撰写高质量月度工作总结
三. 构建AI思维:深度对话与创新实战
- 问AI拿框架
- 问AI拿目标
- 问AI拿标准
- 问AI拿结果
- 案例:数据分析报告
四. AI革命升级:AI智能体开发与应用
- 准备知识库
- 创建智能体
- 应用智能体
- 案例:创建AI数据分析智能体
五. AI数据分析法则
- 数据分析概述
- 数据理解与需求理解
- 三类数据分析方法
六. AI数据获取与整理
- 数据获取方法
- 数据合并方法
- 数据异常值和缺失值处理
- AI写代码快速搞定多表格合并
- 用PQ实现数据整理自动化
- AI实现无师精通函数
七. AI数据分析
- 数据分析流程
- 多维透视分析
- 描述性统计分析
- 数据可视化
- AI生成数据分析
Payment 付款方式
A/C Name: 中国欧盟商会
A/C No.: 7110210182500027543
China CITIC Bank 中信银行京城大厦支行
Fapiao Policy发票开具
E-Fapiao will be provided in 5 working days after the training completed. Pls leave your fapiao information if you haven’t provided in your registration process.电子发票(可开普票或专票)将于培训课程结束5个工作日内发到您的报名注册邮箱。如在注册信息未提交发票信息,请邮件联系商会工作人员提供。
Cancellation 取消政策
If you cannot attend an event for which you have registered, please cancel your registration no later than 48 hours prior to the event. If you fail to notify us of your cancellation in a timely fashion, you will be fully charged for event costs. You may cancel online or notify the contact person in the European Chamber.如果您不能参加已注册过的活动,请至少在活动开始48小时之前取消您的注册。若您未能及时地通知我们,我们将收取您相应的活动费用。您可以联系工作人员取消,也可以网上自行取消。