The European Chamber Southwest China Chapter is delighted to invite you to meet with the Minister Counsellor for trade and head of trade section at the EU Delegation Ms. Marjut Hannonen in the afternoon of Wednesday, February 26th, in Chongqing.
Ms. Marjut Hannonen will update the European community in Chongqing on EU-China trade relations, global trade outlooks, as well as her insightful knowledge of how these developments impact European business operating in China.
We are inviting members, general managers and C-suits. Here, you can catch Ms. Hannonen's enlightening keynote speech, participate in Q&A sessions, and unwind with your peers during the coffee gathering.
Seize the excellent opportunity to communicate with Ms. Hannonen and gain insights into the latest trends in global trade! The exciting event on February 26th is not to be missed, and your participation is eagerly anticipated!
*Potential participation of not EUCCC members is subject to final approval by the organizers.
Language语言:English 英文
Agenda 活动流程
14:30——15:00 Registration 签到
15:00——15:10 Opening Speech by EUCCC 欧盟商会开场致词
15:10——15:40 Keynote speech by Ms Marjut Hannonen, Minister Counsellor for Trade at the Eu Delegation to China
-China-EU trade and investment relations, including key messaging of the recent high-level visits and dialogues
-Trade outlook, EU economic security strategy and de-risking
15:40——16:10 Q&A 问答互动
16:10——16:30 Group Photo and Coffee Time 合照及咖啡聚会
Payment Remark 付款注意事项:
付款方式:报名后可将报名费转账至以下账户,并在银行转账单上附注 CQ20250226;也可以联系商会工作人员获取商会微信账号,付款后备注附注 CQ20250226。
RMB Bank Account 报名汇款账号
A/C Name: 中国欧盟商会
China CITIC Bank 中信银行京城大厦支行
Capital Mansion Sub Branch
No.6, Xinyuan Nan Road
Chaoyang District, 100004 Beijing
A/C No. 银行账号: 7110210182500027543
S.W.I.F.T. Code: CIBKCNBJ100
开户行行号: 302100011026
Registration 活动注册
1. Online registration by 24th February, 2025. 网上注册截止于2025年2月24日。
2. Email registration 24th February 2025: please send Company Name, Name, Title (both in Chinese and English), Mobile Number and Email Box to The registration is complete only if a confirmation letter is received. 邮件注册(截止2025年2月24日):请将中英文的公司名称、姓名、职务,手机号码和邮箱发送到 。收到商会邮件确认后注册成功。
Terms & Conditions 活动条款
Events have limited seating so to ensure your attendance we encourage advance online registration and payment for ALL events. We cannot guarantee entry to anyone not registered in advance.
All our events are held in English and are off-the-record unless otherwise stated.
Cancellation Policy 取消报名
If you cannot attend an event for which you have registered, please cancel your registration no later than one business day prior to the event. If you fail to notify us of your cancellation in a timely fashion, you will be charged for event costs.
To cancel you can: 1) email, or 2) cancel online if you registered for the event through the website.
如取消注册您可以: 1) 发送邮件至; 或 2) 网站注册者可在网上取消。
Advisory Council Policy 顾问委员会政策
Members of the Advisory Council may receive complimentary admission to Chamber seminars, conferences and factory visits up to two attendees per event. Additional participants will be charged at the member rate.
Advisory Council members will still be charged the standard member rate for participation in training courses and special events, such as gala balls, government appreciation dinners, or admission to corporate social events/tournaments.
For further information contact Ita via