How to take advantage and have a smart collaboration and interaction with team members on Microsoft Teams.
Teams, SharePoint, and OneDrive— are designed to be a universal toolkit to give your team members integrated and flexible ways to work for their projects and tasks. This training focuses on the powerful capabilities of Teams, SharePoint, and OneDrive, including document storage, collaboration, sharing, and conversations. You don't have to use just one tool to get your work done — all tools work together to provide optimal productivity.
如何利用 Microsoft Teams 并与团队成员进行智能协作和互动。
Teams、SharePoint 和 OneDrive 旨在成为一个通用工具包,为您的团队成员提供集成且灵活的工作方式来处理他们的项目和任务。本培训侧重于 Teams、SharePoint 和 OneDrive 的强大功能,包括文档存储、协作、共享和对话。您不必只使用一种工具来完成工作,所有工具都可以协同工作,以提供最佳生产力。
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