The European Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce the 2020 Sustainable Business Awards (SBA), once again taking an active role in celebrating companies who put sustainable economic growth, environmental care and social welfare at the forefront of their values. This year the Sustainable Business Awards will take place on 17th September, 2020, broadening the scope of award categories, eligibility requirements and creating a separate application for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), while still committed to transparency and expertise.
Beforehand, we would like to welcome all interested participants, members and non-members of the Chamber, to an information session on 4th June 9:00-11:00 at our Shanghai office; to be joined by our SBA knowledge partners, SYNTAO. This session will detail the 2020 Sustainable Business Awards, including award categories, time schedule, evaluation process, methodology, what makes a successful case, as well as a Q&A session to answer any further questions. Those who are interested in applying to the 2020 Sustainable Business Awards will find this session beneficial for understanding all new developments involved; we also welcome any questions regarding the application process in advance.
At the information session, Ms. QI Tiantian from European Chamber Shanghai will introduce the general idea of the 2020 Sustainable Business Awards and the evaluation process. Mr. PENG Jilai from SYNTAO will introduce all award categories, evaluation methodology and observations. We are looking forward to your participation at our 4th June information session at the Shanghai Chamber office.
9:00 – 9:30 Registration & Networking
9:30 - 9:45 Welcome the guest and introduce the Awards by Ms. QI Tiantian, European
Chamber Shanghai
9:45 - 10:35 Evaluation observations and Introduction of Social Return on Investment (SROI) methodology by Mr. PENG Jilai,
Partner, SYNTAO
10:35 - 10:55 Questions and Answers Session
10:55 - 11:00 Closing Remarks
About the 2020 Sustainable Business Awards:
2020 is the start of a new era for sustainability - a turning point – where it takes the world stage as we continue to learn just how important its role is in preserving our quality of life and all lives in the planet we share.
The European Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with SYNTAO as our knowledge partner, strive to drive sustainability to the centre of attention on the 4th consecutive year of the Sustainability Awards. Our objective is to highlight innovation leadership achievements, advance sustainability awareness, and promote responsible business models to organizations in China who wish to adopt responsible business competition. The European Chamber envisions a transformation where businesses are eager to build a sustainable business model that is socially and environmentally responsible and geared towards valuable growth.
This year the Sustainability Awards are open for members and non-members of the European Chamber, with application categories including: Advocate in Combating Poverty, COVID-19 Crisis Response, Navigating Diversity and Inclusion, Outstanding Environmental and Climate Performance, and Social Innovation Pioneer.
Submissions will open 5th June, 2020.
Multinational Companies (MNCs) and SMEs are eligible to apply to all categories. The deadline for submissions is 5th July 2020. All applications will be assessed based on criteria given, by nine judges who represent academia, varied businesses, and social organizations within sustainability field. The award winners will be announced at the 2020 European Sustainable Business Awards Ceremony on 17th September 2020. There will be highlights of selected application materials from winners to be published on social media, online, and in the European Chamber Shanghai Focus newsletter.
Why the Sustainable Business Awards?
The European Chamber Sustainability Business Awards have been continuously improving, growing, and promoting awareness since being established in 2017. As we strongly value feedback from our experts, each year categories, criteria and requirements are adapted to best reflect Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) standards. Notably, our award categories closely follow United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal’s and China’s long-term policy on poverty alleviation and environmental protection. This year, award application eligibility has expanded to members and non-members of the Chamber in China, further highlighting our commitment to support sustainable business amongst varied industries and types of companies.
The application process will bring about a deeper understanding of CSR, company goals and opportunities. The Sustainable Business Awards focus on stakeholder engagement and long-term impact, rather than utilizing sustainability as a ‘buzzword’ in company strategy without meaning. The judging criteria is systematic and objective; the evaluation process is open and transparent. We always welcome feedback as we value continuous improvement.
Will the Sustainable Business Awards contribute to long-term sustainable business in China? Yes, we are confident our in our meaningful contribution towards sustainability in China. Would you like to be part of creating positive change and promote your company’s efforts in sustainability? Apply to our 2020 Sustainability Awards. Share our objective in creating thought leadership and long-term sustainable change happen. We look forward to your contribution in this year’s Sustainable Business Awards!
This information session is free of charge, will be accessible through the online platform Zoom and in-person with limited seating on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please note there is a limit of one registration per company for the in-person meeting, and access online is limited to two registrations per company. Companies are encouraged to submit questions in advance to be addressed at the information session. You may register online by 3rd June, 2020. If you have any questions please contact Ms. Catalina Fernandez Silva at
Terms & Conditions:
Events have limited seating so to ensure your attendance we encourage advance online registration and payment for ALL events. We cannot guarantee entry to anyone not registered in advance.
Cancellation Policy:
If you cannot attend an event for which you have registered, please cancel your registration no later than one business day prior to the event. If you fail to notify us of your cancellation in a timely fashion, you will be charged for event costs. To cancel you can: 1) email: , or 2) cancel online if you registered for the event through the website.
For more information about the Corporate Social Responsibility Forum in Shanghai, please contact Ms. Tiantian QI at from Shanghai.