CNIM Industrial System China, a high quality French industrial company in China, was created in January 2005 as the Chinese subsidiary of CNIM Group with a 160 years of history. CNIM Industrial Systems China is a company located in China, in Gaoming area.
Historically set-up to address the Asian market of heavy duty & customized escalators dedicated to airports and metro stations, with over 3000 references delivered in the largest cities, CNIM Industrial Systems China developed cutting-edge expertises in the design and manufacturing of electro-mechanical systems & industrial conveyors and enlarged its activities to serve other industries.CNIM Industrial Systems China also provides large welded structures to industrial actors. Today we deliver worldwide industrial solutions for demanding clients of high requirements industries such as automotive, nuclear, energy, process.
CNIM Industrial Systems China has high skilled production, purchasing and engineering departments which allow the cost optimization of high quality solutions, compliant with european standards, 100% made in China.
Working closely with CNIM to enlarge its skills and scope, CNIM Industrial Systems China delivers on global scale high quality electromechanical systems, industrial conveyors and welded structures, compliant with european standards to the demanding sectors such as Nuclear, Automotive, Heavy Public Transports, Process Industry, Food Industry, Public Health.
Agenda 参观行程安排:
10:15-10:30, Registration and networking 集合签到,自由交流
10:30-10:50, Introduction by GM 总经理欢迎致辞以及做公司简介
10:50-11:40, Plant Tour 生产线参观
11:40-12:15, Q&A and networking 问答及自由交流
12:15 Those who continue to attend the manufacturing seminar in the afternoon might have buffet lunch and then take a short break before attending the seminar. Those who do not attend the seminar may return.继续参加下午制造业研讨会的人员请先就餐(自助餐),短暂休息后,参加研讨会。不参加研讨会的人员可返回。
Transportation 关于交通:
Chamber of Commerce encourages participants to visit the site by themselves.
If assistance is needed with transportation, please email: and we will make arrangements accordingly, which will be discussed with the participant three days before the event. Please note that transportation fees will be charged for this.
Payment 付款
银行转账信息,请在转账单上备注GZ20200925 + 贵公司简称
Please note GZ20200925 + Company Name on bank transfer
RMB Bank Account
A/C Name: 中国欧盟商会
China CITIC Bank Capital Mansion Sub Branch
No. 6, Xinyuan Nan Road
Chaoyang District, 100004 Beijing
S.W.I.F.T. Code: CIBKCNBJ100
Please send email to and require QR code for WeChat payment.
Fapiao 关于发票
*Invoice information: If you need an VAT invoice (fapiao) for reimbursement, please provide us the invoice title and post address in Chinese. The European Chamber can give you an official receipt or fapiao, it will be sent to you by posting 10 working days after the event. 增值税普通发票信息:如果你需要报销发票,请提供发票抬头和中文邮寄地址。中国欧盟商会将在活动结束后10个工作日内以邮寄的方式给你。
Terms & Conditions 条款与细则
Please note that preference shall be given to EUCCC members due to limited attendance. The final list of visitors needs to be determined after discussion between EUCCC and the Delonghi-Kenwood, please kindly wait for our email notification after registering on the website. Successful registration is subject to the confirmation message sent by We encourage early online registration to ensure your attendance. 请知悉在席位有限的情况下,会员拥有优先权利。同时,参观人员名单需要中国欧盟商会与受访企业共同讨论后决定。如您通过网页报名,请静候我们邮件通知,报名成功的信息以 发送的确认信息为准。请尽量提前报名以确保您的席位。
Cancellation Policy 取消政策
If you cannot attend an event for which you have registered, please cancel your registration no later than one business day prior to the event. If you fail to notify us of your cancellation in a timely fashion, you will be charged for event costs. 如果你无法参加,请至少提前一个工作日以上通知欧盟商会取消。如果没有提前通知,你仍然将被收取活动的费用。