
2021-03-19 > All chapters

Analysis of the CAI: What’s in it for European businesses in China?

The analysis, based on the information obtained from the text and discussions with Commission representatives, outlines what has already been achieved, what will potentially be achieved under the CAI, and the impacts on European business in China.

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2021-03-17 > All chapters

Visa and Green Health Code Applications Update

Chinese embassies in the following European countries published Notice on Visa Facilitation for Applicants Inoculated with Covid-19 Vaccines Produced in China.

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2021-03-05 > All chapters

Government Work Report and NDRC Report Delivered at the Fourth Session of the 13th National People’s Congress

The Report of the Work of the Government was delivered by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang at the Fourth Session of the 13th National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China on March 5, 2021.

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2021-02-10 > All chapters

European Chamber Stance on COVID-19 Vaccine

European businesses require greater transparency regarding the inclusion of their staff in China’s COVID-19 vaccination implementation programme, as well as if and how vaccinations will impact international travel.

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2021-02-09 > All chapters

Travel Policies Update

Due to the recent increase of COVID-19 cases domestically and the coming Chinese New Year holiday, many places in China have tightened local travel policies and are encouraging people to avoid unnecessary travel during the holiday.

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2021-01-19 > All chapters

Important Clarification on European Chamber's Decoupling Report

Members of the European Chamber have reported seeing several widely-shared articles that originated on Chinese social media, which cite the Chamber’s report before drawing sensational and inaccurate conclusions of their own.

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2021-01-14 > All chapters

European Chamber Calls on Governments to Reverse Deglobalisation 中国欧盟商会发布研究报告,呼吁重回全球经济一体化

The European Chamber, in partnership with MERICS, today released a major report, Decoupling: Severed Ties and Patchwork Globalisation, which measures the costs of decoupling for businesses operating in China.

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2018-12-30 > All chapters

End of Year Message to Members from President Mats Harborn

President Harborn reviews the Chamber’s work in 2018 and wish all members a peaceful and enjoyable Christmas and New Year holiday.

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2018-12-03 > All chapters

European Chamber's Stance on US-China Agreement Made in Buenos Aires

President Trump and President Xi met on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Buenos Ares to discuss the US-China trade conflict. As a result of the meeting, an agreement was made to delay any further escalation of the conflict for at least 90 days.

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