Local News

2018-01-24 > Tianjin

F&T Discussion Forum First Meeting in 2018: 2017 Activities Review & 2018 Work Plan

Agenda in 2018 discussed and Vice Chair of the forum elected.

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2018-01-18 > Tianjin

Manufacturing Dinner on Engineering Solution of Industrial Greenfield and Facility Built, Plant Expansion, Relocation and Decommissioning

Members affected by new regulations of environment protection. European Chamber Tianjin Chapter respond with a briefing event. Engineering solution were explained during the event.

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2013-12-11 > Beijing

EU-China Exhibition on Urban Development held in Beijing

The European Chamber’s President, Davide Cucino, had the honour of meeting China’s Vice-Premier, Zhang Gaoli, at the EU-China Exhibition on Urban Development (20th – 23rd November) on 20th December at Beijing Exhibition Centre. The Expo attracted over 500 exhibitors from China and the EU, and provided a platform for promoting exchanges and cooperation between EU and Chinese cities, enterprises, research centres, NGO’s and think-tanks. Over 50,000 individuals visited the expo over the course of its duration.

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2013-11-20 > Beijing

Chamber Book Presentation: Light Footprint Management

European Chamber invited Charles-Edouard Bouée, Global COO of Roland Berger Strategy Consultants & President of Roland Berger Asia to give a presentation on his new book Light Footprint Management: Leadership in Times of Change in Beijing on 19th November.

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2013-11-11 > Beijing

China’s AML−Exclusive dialogue with an NDRC official

The recent Anti-Monopoly Law (AML) investigations by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) into certain industries has led to an increased desire amongst many Chamber members to have a more thorough grasp of the AML in order to stay compliant.

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2013-11-08 > Beijing

Putting the world economy on a path to global recovery: what lessons did we learn from the crisis?

Eduardo Morcillo (left), Vice President of European Chamber and Mr Jonathan Faull (right), Director General for Internal Market and Services, European Commission.

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2013-10-16 > Beijing

Position Paper Presentation to French Ambassador

On the 11th October 2013, a Delegation of the European Chamber led by President Davide Cucino met with H.E. Ambassador Ms. Sylvie Bermann at the Embassy of the Republic of France in order to present the European Business Position Paper 2012/13 and discuss the business climate in China.

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2013-09-30 > Beijing

Experts examine the latest human capital trends

While China may boast the largest workforce in the world, finding and retaining the right human capital to drive company growth has proven to be a challenge. Human Capital related issues continue to be top the list of business challenges for foreign companies doing business in China.

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2013-09-18 > Beijing

European Chamber holds forum to help SME financing

Small and medium-sized enterprises play a crucial role for a country’s economic development. To develop their market, an increasing number of European SMEs are exporting their ideas and efforts to other countries, especially to China. In 2013 a new investment surge from the EU to China is being ridden by industry leading small and medium-sized enterprises. However, issues like access to finance and IPR protection continue to challenge both new comers and those already established in China.

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