Talent recruitment and placement Go back »

2014-11-26 | Nanjing

Talent recruitment and placement

The European Chamber Nanjing together with Tony Lei Tong (HR WG Vice-Chair) met Mr. Liàng Caì, Vice Director and Dr. Yàn Chén, Director of “Jiangsu Bureau College Students Service” (JSBYS) , a department of the Jiangsu Education Bureau, to set the basis for a cooperation in talent recruitment and placement.

This governmental institution’ goal is to promote career fairs and student events in order to match companies’ needs with the most appropriate university graduates. About 150 Universities in Jiangsu Province are linked to this Bureau. Several career fairs with more than 40.000 students attending were organized in 2014.

 The European Chamber Nanjing Chapter suggested the idea to launch a joint job fair dedicated to foreign enterprises in Jiangsu. JSBYS connection with 150 Universities and 500.000 graduates each year in Jiangsu should result in a mass attendance. In order to provide a professional and safe environment for students and companies, and a match upfront an online application could be available on JSBYS’s web site .

Nanjing Chapter and JSBYS will assess feasibility of the event in the months to come. To show your interest in this event please write to nanjing_training@europeanchamber.com.cn

For more information please contact

Sherry Yu