Advocacy Actions

2015-09-09 > South China

Patent protection - meeting with Guangdong Intellectual Property Office

Patent protection - meeting with Guangdong Intellectual Property Office

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2015-09-01 > All chapters

Appreciation Letter to NHFPC

Emphasize industry key comments regarding Domestic Medical Equipment Selection, into the appreciation letter to NHFPC for the meeting on 28 August

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2015-09-01 > All chapters

European Chamber Comments on CFDA Health Food Regulations

European Chamber Comments on CFDA Health Food Regulations

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2015-08-31 > Beijing, South China

European Chamber Comments on Administrative Measures on Energy Efficiency Labelling


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2015-08-21 > Nanjing

Meeting with the Propaganda and Education Center,Jiangsu Department of Environmental Protection

On Friday 21th August 2015, the European Chamber Nanjing Chapter met with Mr. Huang in the Propaganda and Education Center of JDEP. Both parties exchanged ideas on CSRposter design competition. The following points need further discussion:

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2015-08-13 > All chapters

European Chamber Comments on Supervision Measurements on PRC Customs Cross-Border Delivery of Goods

European Chamber Comments on Supervision Measurements on PRC Customs Cross-Border Delivery of Goods

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2015-08-12 > All chapters

Comments on "Rules for Nomenclature of Medical Devices"

The "Rules for Nomenclature" provide a guideline how to assign a generic name (opposite to a product name given by a manufacturer) to a group of medical devices with a defined functionality. A clearly defined generic name is important for registration, sourcing, charging by hospitals and reimbursement by medical insurance.

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2015-08-12 > All chapters

Seminar on the Registration of Formulations of Imported Infant Formula

On 12th and 13th August, the representatives of the PN Desk were invited by the AQSIQ to attend the seminar on the registration of formulation of imported infant formula.

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2015-08-11 > South China

Meeting with Foshan Government International Team

Meeting with Foshan Government International Team

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2015-08-11 > South China

Meeting with Invest Guangzhou

Meeting with Invest Guangzhou

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