Advocacy Actions

2016-05-31 > Beijing

Meeting with Automotive Transportation Technology Research Center (Center), Ministry of Transport

Members of the Independent (Auto) Aftermarket Desk at EUCCC had a meeting with Mr. Shuquan Xu, Head of Vehicle Technology Support and Research Division on 31 May, 2016, Beijing

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2016-05-27 > Beijing

Meeting with the Procurement Centre for Medical Devices of Jiangxi Province on the Implementation of Purchasing Rules

In May 2016 the Health and Family Planning Commission of Jiangxi Province hat promulgated an "Implementation Plan for Sourcing of High-Value Disposable Medical Devices".
A delegation of the CDMD Advisory Committee of the European Chamber met Mr. Xi Zhong, director of the Procurement Centre of Medical Devices, to discuss question on the practical implementation of the .

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2016-05-27 > Beijing

Meeting with HFPC of Jiangxi Province on Procurement of Medical Devices

On 12. May 2016 the Health and Family Planning Commission of Jiangxi Province hat promulgated an "Implementation Plan for Sourcing of High-Value Disposable Medical Devices". A delegation of the CDMD Advisory Committee of the European Chamber met Mr. Tan Youwen, director of the Department of Financial Administration to discuss details of the Implementation Plan.

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2016-05-27 > Beijing

MIIT seminar on RoHS, COCIR is one of the supporting organizations and gave presentation

RoHS seminar organized by MIIT, COCIR is one of the supporting organizations and presented on exemption procedure.

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2016-05-26 > Beijing

Submit Comments to CFDA on On-Site Inspections of Clinical Trials for Medical Devices

The CFDA has published three regulations regarding On-Site Inspections of Clinical Trials for Medical Devices for public consultation, thereof two for the second round of consultation.
The European Chamber submitted consolidated comments on behalf of their members.

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2016-05-25 > Beijing

Exclusive Dialogue with NDRC on Negative List

On 25 May 2016, an Exclusive Dialogue with Deputy Director General Gelong Song from the Department of Economic System Reform of the NDRC was held.

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2016-05-25 > Beijing

Meet with the Basel Convention Coordinating Centre for Asia and the Pacific

COCIR China Environmental Focus Group experts visit Basel Convention Coordinating Centre, explaining DITTA position on technical guidance of the Basel Convention

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2016-05-24 > Beijing

China Outlook: 13th Five-Year-Plan

In March 2016, the Chinese Central Government officially released the 13th Five-Year-Plan (FYP). This 13th FYP is China’s master policy blueprint in which the highest levels of the Chinese leadership set out the goals, principles and targets for China’s development in the next five years. Furthermore, it provides orientation for China’s economic and social development and points out the challenges and objectives on deepening reforms and strategies to welcome the “new era” of the Chinese economy. As this will have a significant impact not only on China, but also on the rest of the world, investors should have a closer look at the changes and new reforms to adjust their business operations accordingly.

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2016-05-20 > Beijing

Comments on CFDA's Draft “Regulatory Guideline on Cold Chain (Transport, Storage) of Medical Devices”

On 06 May, the CFDA has initiated a Public Consultation on the Draft “Regulatory Guideline on Cold Chain (Transport, Storage) of Medical Devices”. In reply, the European Chamber has submitted consolidated comments on this draft regulation.

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2016-05-16 > Beijing

Meeting with European Parlimament’s Delegation for Relations with China

The purpose of the meeting with the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with China was in order to present China’s business climate, trends/obstacles for EU business in China, progress negotiations Comprehensive Agreement on Investment and overcapacity in China.

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