
2015-06-04 | Beijing

总体评价General Comments


The European Chamber of Commerce in China (European Chamber) appreciates the opportunity to comment on the second draft of the PRC Foreign Non-governmental Organisation (NGO) Management Law. The European Chamber is encouraged to see that the activities of NGOs are being recognised through legislation and that the important role they play is being clarified. Over the last three decades, China’s economy has developed rapidly and NGOs, both domestic and foreign, have made significant contributions to this process. As China’s economy prepares to enter the ‘new normal’ era, NGOs, as important partners of business, are expected to play a greater role in China’s further development and opening up.


Foreign NGOs play an integral part in our members’ daily operations in China. Our members frequently work with foreign industry associations, universities, environmental organisations, science and technology institutes and other NGOs as widely defined under the draft Foreign NGO Management Law. Our members rely on such organisations for information sharing, research, market development, innovation creation amongst other reasons. These foreign NGOs also play an important role in their corporate social responsibility activities.


As is, the draft Foreign NGO Law is expected to greatly increase the administrative costs for foreign NGOs. Specific concerns include ambiguous definitions of key terms as well as increased operational complexity and bureaucracy in the form of administrative, financial and human resources related requirements. As a result, the Chamber regrets that foreign NGOs will find it less appealing to stay or come to China, thereby depriving the China’s economy of an important catalyst and China’s businesses of a trusted partner.


The draft legislation has an impact on Chinese enterprises that are increasingly international as well. Foreign NGOs such as foreign industry association or trade promotion agencies are partnering with Chinese enterprises in addressing business challenges they face abroad. The new law on foreign NGOs doesn’t sit well with these international ambitions, nor with the current administration’s appeal for an open economy. The law should be able to encompass the long-term instrumental value of public participation and international collaboration for a more sustainable and innovative Chinese economic development model.


In conclusion, while streamlining and improving the regulation of the activities of foreign NGOs is welcomed, further deliberation on the draft law should be given to ensure that overall benefits value that foreign NGOs bring to China can be fully and effectively digested within China, and not jeopardized and deterred as result.


Below we have summarised some major concerns submitted by our members.

1.     定义含糊 Ambiguities in Definition 


In the second draft of the law, some items lack clear definition, including, but not limited to, ‘NGO’, ‘activity’ and ‘political activity’.

非政府组织  NGO


In Article 3, it states that foreign NGOs in fields such as economics, education, science and technology, health, culture, sports, environmental protection and charity work may conduct activities beneficial to the development of public welfare causes in accordance with the law. The wording “such as” is non-exhaustive and combined with the overall strong wording of the document, may leave other organisations that do not clearly fit into such categories in doubt with regards to their status, particularly with regards to organisations that are not yet registered in China but do have some relations or activities related to China (see next section).

活动 Activity


The unclear definition of ‘activity’ in the draft law is also problematic. The European Chamber is very concerned that the Chinese Government would only allow foreign NGOs that have registered in China or have successfully applied for a temporary permits to conduct any activity whatsoever.  Even relevantly simple activities such as visits to China for exchanges, in-China meetings or conferences, or forming partnership agreements could be considered within the scope of this draft law.


Furthermore, if a NGO is suspected of violating, or conducting an illegally ill-defined activity difference because of a misinterpretation of the draft law, it appears it would face heavy penalties – the police could enter and search its office or activity venue, investigate its bank activities and order fines, suspensions, detentions and expulsions. Such strong and forceful wording has a far-reaching impact and is seen as major deterrent to foreign NGOs.

2.     运营问题 Operational Concerns

业务主管单位  Supervisory Department


According to the draft law, the registration, licensing and annual inspection of foreign NGO’s representative offices (ROs) in China will be handled by public security organs, while other competent authorities will play a supporting role. While the European Chamber appreciates the government’s initiative of standardising the supervision structure of foreign NGOs, we also advocate that the procedures for registration, licensing and inspection to be supervised by the Ministry of Civil Affairs that handles NGO registrations in China.

资金问题  Funding Issues


Some articles are closely related to financial and funding issues. Foreign NGOs and their ROs must not solicit contributions or accept donations within the Chinese mainland. Foreign NGOs that do not establish representative offices but chose to operate through temporary permits would need to channel all funds for their activities through the bank accounts of their Chinese partners. To some extent, such items largely restrict the financial support of foreign NGOs and might inhibit them from undertaking more activities or having greater influence.

财务、人力资源和税收问题  Finance, HR and Taxation Issues


From Article 29 to Article 35, the draft law introduced a series of stipulations on accounting rules, taxation as well as HR related issues. Some of these rules and regulations are not applicable to foreign NGOs. For example, the Ministry of Finance (MoF) has no corresponding financial system or accounting standards for NGOs or NFPs. Moreover, current financial and accounting systems in China do not fit financial accounting and tax declarations of NGOs. The requirements on recruiting through local foreign affairs organization (Article 32) might result in foreign NGO’s inability to recruit the people they want. Quota restrictions on foreign personnel also perceived to be unwelcoming.


以下为欧盟商会会员公司针对《草案》中具体条目的评价及建议。如您需要我们就以下建议作进一步的澄清,请与商会政府事务高级经理傅鹤蕾女士联系(电话:(021) 6385 2023转124;传真:(021) 6385 2381;邮箱:。

The following section contains comments on specific articles of the revised law, collected from the European Chamber’s member companies. Should you require further clarification, please kindly contact Ms. Helei Fu, Senior Government Affairs Manager. (Tel: Tel: 86 (21) 6385 2023 ext. 124, Fax: 86 (21) 6385 2381, Email: