Member Directory

Germen Piano Company for manufacturers and exporter worldwide

  • Germany
  • 1 - 250
  • MNC
Shanghai > Chemicals/Other

Syensqo China

We offer a broad range of products that contribute to improving the quality of life and the performance of our customers in markets such as consumer goods, construction, automotive, energy, water and environment,...

  • France
  • 1 - 250
  • MNC

TIC Council is an international non-profit association acting as the voice of the testing, inspection and certification industry. TIC Council brings together over 100 member companies and organisations...

  • Belgium
  • 1 - 250
  • Associations

TÜV莱茵 – 众多检测、检验、认证服务的先行者。成为全球最佳检测、检验、认证、咨询与培训技术服务提供者,可持续且独立。德国传统,服务全球。56个国家和地区,超过500个分支机构,获得800个授权机构认可,227个实验室,获得80个国家资质认可,提供当地市场准入服务。

  • China
  • 1 - 250
  • Associations