Heating Sub-working Group Position Paper 2022/2023 - 供热子工作组建议书2022/2023 Go back »

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    Position Paper
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    Heating (Sub-working Group) Working Group / Forum


The Heating Sub-working Group (or the Europe China Heating Initiative (ECHI)) seeks to promote European technologies that provide eco-friendly and sustainable heating appliances and components. The goal is to ensure that energy resources are conserved, while air quality is improved by significantly decreasing pollutant emissions. The ‘coal-to-gas’ (CTG) transition programme1 is one of China’s national strategies to fundamentally reduce particulate matter and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, as well as to achieve increased energy efficiency.2 European heating manufacturers can make significant contributions to the successful implementation of the CTG strategy while helping China to realise its carbon neutrality goals. The recommendations in this Position Paper aim to provide Chinese stakeholders with valuable industry insights and experience to improve the regulatory environment of the heating industry in China and benefit the Chinese population.