Tianjin Position Paper 2023/2024


The Tianjin Position Paper 2023/2024 outlines tangible steps the municipality can take to reassert itself as one of China’s leading investment destinations after having fallen behind other major cities over the last decade.

Compared to its peers, Tianjin now lags in a several key areas. Not only has its contribution to China’s economy declined in recent years, but the city is also relatively unattractive to talent, less innovative and an increasingly difficult place to do business.

The second edition of the Tianjin Position Paper puts forward 20 constructive recommendations to address these issues. These include refocussing on the city’s existing strengths, increasing the frequency and quality of industry-government dialogues, addressing barriers currently hindering carbon neutrality efforts and creating stronger links between industry and academia to develop talent pipelines.

Read the press release in full.

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