Meeting with FECO of MEE on the Market of Sludge Treatment in China

2018-04-25 | Beijing

Meeting with FECO of MEE on the Market of Sludge Treatment in China

The European Chamber organised an industry workshop on opportunities and challenges for European business in the market of sludge treatment in China, together with the EU SME Centre and the Foreign Economic Cooperation Office (FECO), Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE), supported by the School of Environment of Tsinghua University and the Policies, Innovation And Networks for Enhancing Opportunities for China Europe Water Cooperation (PIANO) project under the framework of Horizon 2020. Professor Markus Starkl, Project Manager of PIANO, commenced the industry workshop by welcoming the speakers and introduction on the PIANO project, followed by Chamber Working Group Coordinator Kevin Gao’s presentation on the Chamber Environment Working Group and the key recommendations on sludge treatment in China. Dr Yang Qin, Senior Project Manager of FECO, MEE shared the overview on the market status quos on sludge treatment in China along with the legal framework. As she pointed out, the Chinese government has accelerated the steps on treating municipal sludge both at central level and municipal level, which presents a large market for enterprises with innovative technologies. Mr Xavier SansPowell, Chamber Director of Government Affairs (European Affairs) and Senior Policy and Advocacy Manager of EU SME Centre, made a presentation on accessing the Chinese market for EU SMEs, particularly for those with advanced technology in the environmental sector. Representatives from Veolia China, SUEZ Asia, CAMBI Group, ATKINS Infrastructure and Beijing Drainage Group also shared their technical options for treating sludge along with successful case study.

This industry workshop concluded with the roundtable discussion on main barriers and drivers for the market of sludge treatment in China as well as suggestions for European SMEs on accessing into the market in China.